WO Master

Theology & Religious Studies: Building Interreligious Relations

12 uur
12 uur
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Over deze opleiding

Become an expert with the knowledge and skills to build bridges between people from different (faith) traditions in the masterprogramme Building Interreligious Relations.

Globalization has brought about a pluralization of the religious sphere, bringing other 'world' religions, such as Islam and different Asian traditions, to the West. The religious other is no longer an abstract figure but is seen in all her concreteness as neighbour, colleague, friend, spouse, etc. To increase social cohesion between people with various religious and non-religious backgrounds, we need 'border-crossers,' willing to participate in various forms of interreligious learning.

Through classes, reading assignments, visits to local communities, and an analysis of case studies, students will be prepared to effectively become interreligious bridge-builders in an increasingly multireligious world. By the end of this multidisciplinary programme that involves an internship and writing a master's thesis, they will have developed the knowledge and skills needed to work in a multireligious context and bring about a positive transformation.

This master's program is attractive to any who work in multireligious settings who wish to build interreligious relations within their schools, work or community environments.




2019 instellingstarief8700 EUR2019 niet-EU/EER studenten8700 EUR2019 wettelijk tarief2083 EUR
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam

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