Over deze opleiding
An intensive, 10-day modular Advanced Management and Leadership programme for seasoned professionals to boost leadership, strategy and finance capabilities.The Advanced Management and Leadership Programme (AMLP) developed by RSM Executive Education at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) is an intensive 10-day modular management programme taught in English that will sharpen your critical thinking skills and enable you to enhance your impact as a leader. The AMLP will help take your leadership abilities to the next level.Based on real issues, economic realities and global shifts and megatrends, AMLP will challenge the way you view yourself and the way your organisation operates. The programme requires you to take a step back from day-to-day tasks so that it can equip you with new skills and knowledge to adapt, thrive and succeed. With 10 days of classroom experience spread over three modules, and additional pre- and post-programme support and activities, this intensive journey will expose you to the best thinking in the field, and enable you to dramatically enhance your leadership skills and impact.
Kies je voor de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR), dan kies je voor een internationaal georiënteerde topuniversiteit met een stevige verankering in de stad Rotterdam en de regio. De EUR kenmerkt zich door een moderne kijk op de wetenschap en de...