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WO Master

Clinical Psychology

12 uur
12 uur

Over deze opleiding

Why do people keep on drinking too much alcohol even if they really want to quit? Why do some people hear voices that no one else can hear? What does disgust have to do with sex?

What is a panic attack? How effective is mindfulness for people who suffer from a major depressive disorder? You will ask these and similar other questions during your master year Clinical Psychology. The program focuses on three important, inter-related topics:* Theory: a better understanding of psychopathology* Diagnosis: determining what is going on* Intervention: bringing about changeThis master takes an evidence-based approach in that the course material covering these three areas is based on findings from (experimental) empirical research. You will learn how to apply scientific findings to clinical practice, and in turn, how experiences in the clinic can be translated to testable research questions.




2018 instellingstarief2060 EUR2018 niet-EU/EER studenten14350 EUR2018 wettelijk tarief2060 EUR2019 instellingstarief14650 EUR2019 niet-EU/EER studenten14600 EUR2019 wettelijk tarief2083 EUR

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