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WO Master

International Commercial Law

12 uur
12 uur

Over deze opleiding

Increasing globalization and regional integration creates the need for good knowledge of international commercial law.

And this knowledge is especially important if you wish to enter a career in the field of international private law and when you are planning on becoming a lawyer working in internationally operating private firms or law firms.This LLM programme covers:* Specialization in (international) commercial law, especially with regard to contracts and subjects of contracts.* The solving of (commercial) disputes when needed.Official detailed information on the programme can be found here.The LLM International Commercial Law is registered under the LLM CROHO label International Commercial Law (60603).




2018 instellingstarief2060 EUR2018 niet-EU/EER studenten14350 EUR2018 wettelijk tarief2060 EUR2019 instellingstarief14650 EUR2019 niet-EU/EER studenten14600 EUR2019 wettelijk tarief2083 EUR

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