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WO Bachelor

Media Studies

36 uur
36 uur

Over deze opleiding

Media are at the heart of contemporary life. From social media to print, from websites to television, from search engines to apps: our understanding of the world is shaped by media.

Media have a major impact not only on how we communicate with one another, but also on how societies are organised: culturally, politically and economically. This academic programme therefore studies the informative and social function of media and conceives 'culture' in its anthropological definition: as the ideas, customs and social behaviour of particular (groups in) societies.You will acquire knowledge and a variety of theoretical perspectives on the way different media platforms are structured, how they operate and how they relate to each other; how media systems are underpinned politically and economically; and how patterns of media use, production and content develop and change. You will learn to apply and critically reflect on different types of academic research methods on a variety of topics. In addition, you will also get acquainted to the professional fields related to media, develop your professional skills to help you perform in media-related internships and jobs.The programme's distinctive features are:* an international, comparative and interdisciplinary curriculum* a focus on the informative and social function of media* emphasis on the theoretical perspectives, me




2018 instellingstarief2060 EUR2018 niet-EU/EER studenten8300 EUR2018 wettelijk tarief2060 EUR2019 instellingstarief8450 EUR2019 niet-EU/EER studenten8900 EUR2019 wettelijk tarief2083 EUR

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