Cursussen & Trainingen

Study Abroad Programme

12 uur
12 uur
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Over deze opleiding

It is possible for students that come from universities that do not have an agreement with the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen, to participate in a Study Abroad programme.

The Law Faculty offers about 70 law courses in English, on a wide variety of subjects.

Not all of these law courses are open to all groups of guest students (with or without bilateral agreement): some courses are only open to LLM students, some only to LLB students that are participating in the International and European Law bachelor, some only to advanced law exchange students (e.g. 4th year students), and some are also open to students from other faculties (without specific law background).
The law courses that can be followed by students who have no connection with our Faculty (so who are not LLM or LLB students, not law exchange students, nor students from other faculties in Groningen) form part of our Study Abroad programme: courses that are open to e.g. lawyers, teachers, people in legal professions who are interested in certain law subjects. For some courses applicants from all categories have to meet specific requirements, but a few courses can also be followed by participants who have no law background.



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9712 GL Groningen

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