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WO Master

Executive Master in International Finance (MIF)

24 uur
24 uur

Over deze opleiding

This uniquely tailored MIF will help you achieve your professional goals through world-class teaching and personalized learning.

From an overseas study trip, to lifelong membership into the MIF alumni network, this Advanced Masters of Science provides all the tools you need to achieve your ambitions. Executive Master of International Finance programme offers you the best skillset needed to excel in an international career as a Finance professional. We equip you with knowledge needed to become a frontrunner in Finance. We research and apply the latest developments in the Finance industry like Fintech/Blockchain and Behavioural Finance. We foster critical thinking to prepare you for the next step in your career. All in keeping with Amsterdam's entrepreneurial spirit and independent thinking.



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Universiteit van Amsterdam

Faculteiten Universiteit van Amsterdam

De Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), vroeger genaamd de Gemeente Universiteit (GU), is één van de twee universiteiten die zich in Amsterdam bevindt. De UvA bestaat sinds 1632 als het Athenaeum Illustre - de illustere school - die gevestigd was in...

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