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WO Master

International Tax Law


Over deze opleiding

What we call international tax law is actually a mix of domestic law, treaty law and soft-law initiatives and this programme offers you the insight and skills you need to deal with this complex area.

The growing globalization of the world economy brings with it a growing demand for international tax law specialists who have a thorough understanding of the underlying principles, who are familiar with the policy perspectives of countries at differing stages of development and who are aware of the practical implications of the law. The University of Amsterdam has joined forces with IBFD, an internationally renowned tax research institute, to meet that demand.



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Universiteit van Amsterdam

Faculteiten Universiteit van Amsterdam

De Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA), vroeger genaamd de Gemeente Universiteit (GU), is één van de twee universiteiten die zich in Amsterdam bevindt. De UvA bestaat sinds 1632 als het Athenaeum Illustre - de illustere school - die gevestigd was in...

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