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WO Bachelor

Human Geography & Urban and Regional Planning

36 uur
36 uur

Over deze opleiding

Are you interested in the world around you? Are you fascinated by maps? Do you dare to ask critical questions about the world that you are living in?

Do you believe you can help to further develop our world into a sustainable society? Then Human Geography & Urban and Regional Planning (in Dutch: Sociale Geografie en Planologie) may be the right choice for you.Why is unemployment higher in some regions than others? What are the social and economic consequences in depopulating areas? How do you deal with different institutions to plan and build new residential areas? Human geographers investigate society in a spatial context. Our students learn to focus on spatial differences because social phenomena happen in specific places, at specific times and with specific impacts. The bachelor degree programme consist of four learning tracks; 'Spatial Design'. 'Spatial Planning', 'Water, infrastructure and Environment' and 'Research'. In the first year you will be introduced to all themes within the fields of Human Geography & Urban and Regional Planning. In the second year, the programme continues to deepen your knowledge and improve your skills. In the third year you are allowed to partly fill in your own programme. You can follow courses provided by our faculty but you can also take a Minor or do an internship in a related field. There a




2018 instellingstarief2060 EUR2018 niet-EU/EER studenten8300 EUR2018 wettelijk tarief2060 EUR2019 instellingstarief8450 EUR2019 niet-EU/EER studenten8900 EUR2019 wettelijk tarief2083 EUR

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Oude Boteringestraat 44
9712 GL Groningen

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