WO Master

Media Studies - Eng

24 uur
24 uur
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Over deze opleiding

Stay tuned to changes in the media. Track developments in the sector, explore its pervasive impact and clout, and launch a top-flight career in a professional field or research.Erasmus University is a top-rated university with a strong international outlook in a modern, cosmopolitan city. Our master Media Studies focuses on a vital and rewarding field of study, that will help you understand contemporary global society, and successfully, and jump-start a career.In this programme, you explore the internationalisation of media and communications, and learn to understand the role of cultural, conomic and political developments in this transformation. You are trained to grasp and respond to complex problems in media, business, culture and society, and go on to a career in research or in any of a number of fields in the public or private sector such as management, marketing, public relations, journalism or consultancy.Master in Media studies offers the following specialisations:* Media and Business* Media and Creative Industries* Media, Culture and Society


Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3062 PA Rotterdam

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